SCC Program Description
The Administration of Justice Studies (AJS) program prepares students for a career in the criminal justice industry, enhances the skills of those already employed within it, offers non-criminal justice students interesting courses to incorporate into their degree programs, and provides others with courses to take for personal enrichment.
The Forensic Science (FOR) program prepares students for a career in the criminal justice industry, enhances the skills of those already employed within it, offers non-criminal justice students interesting courses to incorporate into their degree programs, and provides others with courses to take for personal enrichment.
The Corrections certificate is designed for students intending to pursue careers in various correctional components of the justice system, including parole, probation, jail, and prisons. The focus is broader learning about the correction function in the context of the overall administration of the justice system.
The Crime Scene Investigation certificate is designed to develop the knowledge and skills required to investigate and reconstruct crime scenes using scientific evidence and logical analysis. The program provides instruction in criminal investigation procedures, collection and preservation of physical and biological evidence, death investigation techniques, crime scene reconstruction methodology, and presentation of testimony in court.
The Fingerprint Identification and Photography certificate is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in the field of fingerprint classification and identification. It is one pathway to the Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Forensic Science.
The Law Enforcement certificate prepares students for careers in state, local, and federal police departments and investigative agencies. It allows students interested in policing as a career to focus on this area of study while they pursue an AAS degree in Administration of Justice Studies.