This article appears for archival purposes. Any events, programs and/or initiatives mentioned may no longer be applicable.

Scottsdale Community College (SCC) and the Maricopa County Community College District are investing millions of dollars to keep our students on track. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives in numerous ways. In many cases, it has greatly impacted college plans due to concerns with being able to afford tuition. To provide assistance, we are offering the following options starting with the Fall 2020 semester:
2020-2021 Tuition Discounts
Maricopa County Resident – $1,020 flat rate per semester for 12 credits or more plus $15 registration fee and other course fees may apply. If you’re currently registered for less than 12 credits, consider adding another class (or two) and save significantly on tuition.
Out-of-State Resident – Out-of-state students residing in Arizona with a lawful presence who do not qualify for in-state residency status may be eligible for the in-state tuition rate for the first 6 credits. Tuition is $85 per credit hour for up to 6 credits (out-of-state surcharge waived) plus $15 registration fee and other course fees may apply. Additional credits taken will be charged the out-of-state rate.
Note, if students have already registered for Fall classes and paid their tuition, they will receive a refund of the difference back via their original payment method.
View the complete details on the tuition discounts.
Connect with an SCC Advisor by using the “Ask a Question Online” form.
Contact Student Business Services for more information on the tuition rates by email at or by phone (480) 423-6148.
Maricopa Opportunity Grants
We have a special grant opportunity for students attending SCC or any of the ten Maricopa Community Colleges for the 2020-2021 award year. The Maricopa Opportunity Grant is intended to meet the cost of tuition, fees, and textbook allowance for students with eligible unmet financial need that is not met through other forms of financial aid. As a full-time student, you may be eligible for up to $1,220 per semester in Maricopa Opportunity Grant funds.
View eligibility requirements and more information about the Maricopa Opportunity Grant.
For more information on the Opportunity Grants, contact the SCC Financial Aid Office at or reach out to the Financial Aid Answer Center (855) 622-2332. The SCC Financial Aid office can give you a call. Complete the call back form to let us know what we can assist you with.