Tuesday, May 26, 2020
This article appears for archival purposes. Any events, programs and/or initiatives mentioned may no longer be applicable.

We get it. You’re home for the summer, trying to crank out some classes while you’re still getting used to this social distancing stuff. The SCC Library is nothing if not a champion of the people’s plight! So, we want to remind you about several virtual options so you can get in touch with us over the summer.
First, we have two totally NEW features you’re going to love:
- We are launching a video virtual reference desk! Isn’t it nice to look someone in the eye sometimes when you don’t understand something? We got you! We are available during the summer sessions from May 26 through July 30 for drop-in sessions. The virtual reference desk uses a Zoom meeting room so we can provide you with personal assistance.
- The hours are:
- Mondays: 9 am - 10 am
- Tuesdays: 5 pm - 7 pm
- Wednesdays: 5 pm - 7 pm
- Thursdays: 8 am - 9 am
- Need a librarian one-on-one? You can schedule a virtual session with one of our SCC librarians using Zoom or Google Hangouts. Just fill out a simple online form to let us know what help you need and we work with you to set up a time to meet. Easy-peasy, right?
- Finally, remember we are still rocking our popular 24/7 Ask a Librarian chat service, which provides you with access to research assistance any time, any day, anywhere (which is especially awesome if you have lost all sense of time during a pandemic!)
And while you’re at it – here are some links you might want to bookmark:
- Databases by Subject: Find journal articles and other electronic content for your specific subject area.
- Databases A-Z: Find all the databases SCC subscribes to alphabetically.
- Class Guides: Get support for a class with resources created by librarians in collaboration with your instructor.
- How-to Guides: Get help with citations, library tools or improve your research skills.
- Subject Guides: Access resources for a particular subject.
For more information, please phone the Library at (480) 423-6651 or visit the SCC Library website.