College News

SCC STEP Program Accelerates Arizona Teachers into Classrooms

STEP – the Scottsdale Teacher Education Partnership Post-Baccalaureate teacher certification program at Scottsdale Community College (SCC) fast tracks teachers into the classroom through Arizona’s only one-year certification model, which requires just a bachelor's degree – no master’s degree needed!
September 27, 2022

SCC Launches Nurse Assisting Program and Pathway to a Healthcare Career

With the announcement of a new certification program, Scottsdale Community College (SCC) is ready to meet the expanding opportunities for nursing careers locally and nationwide.
September 21, 2022

Production Assistant Training Helps Create a Workforce for Arizona’s Next Major Film & TV Projects

Arizona Commerce Authority and the Scottsdale School of Film+Theatre's inaugural Production Assistant Certification program will run Oct. 3 - 7, 2022.
September 7, 2022

SCC Students featured on Amazon Prime’s “The College Tour”

Featuring four students from Scottsdale Community College who were chosen for Amazon Prime’s television series, The College Tour.
September 1, 2022

For Community Health Workers, Improving Neighbors' Lives is a Calling

Maria Valenzuela emigrated from Mexico to the United States when she was seven. Neither she nor her mother spoke any English. She recalls being pulled out of school to accompany her mother to doctor appointments, where she would act as a translator, doing her best with the limited English she’d learned to help her mother navigate a complex and foreign healthcare system. 
July 18, 2022

SCC Welcomes President Eric Leshinskie to Campus

Faculty, staff, and students welcomed Dr. Eric Leshinskie on his first official day as President of Scottsdale Community College (SCC) July 5, 2022.
July 5, 2022

SCC Announces Three New Business Scholarships

Scottsdale Community College (SCC) today announced three new scholarships that will help provide more educational opportunities for students pursuing studies in Business and Real Estate.
June 27, 2022

SCC Announces New Pharmacy Technician Training Program

Scottsdale Community College to begin offering classes for its new Pharmacy Technician Certificate of Completion (CCL) program.
June 21, 2022