Your Emotional Wellbeing and the New Year

As we prepare for the next decade, it’s a perfect time to reflect on your past experiences and to think about creating goals for the future. For many people, the beginning of the new year sparks the urge to redefine themselves or create new life goals.
According to Psychology Today, the following are some practices that may help you on your journey into the next decade and beyond:
- Remove negativity: Do not give energy or effort to people or things that suck the life out of you. It will not help you feel good about yourself and may even get you off track from reaching your goals.
- Don’t "should" on yourself: When things don’t work on as desired, this can lead to feeling inadequate or sadness. Allow some room for flexibility in life and with your goals. It’s okay to set goals but don’t "should" on yourself.
- Set realistic expectations: Do not go into a major lifestyle change with overly ambitious or unrealistic goals. This will only increase the chances of you failing. Although failure with an initial goal does not mean that you can’t reset and get on track, it is better to create reasonable goals. Create goals that will set you up for success!
- Celebrate yourself: As you embark on your journey of change, remember that it is important to reward yourself along the way. This will keep you encouraged and motivated throughout the process!
- Learn more: Practices to promote mental health.
What are some additional resources with tips and tools for increasing my Emotional Wellbeing?
- Emotional Wellness Toolkit
- Building Better Mental Health
- UNC’s Student Emotional Wellness Page
- Self-care for the Busy College Student
How can we help at SCC?
- Attend Mindfulness Mondays from 12-1 on Mondays and/or Wellbeing Wednesdays from 3-4 on Wednesdays, both in SC 106
- Attend of the FREE workshops that the Counseling Department offers
- Upcoming Workshops:
- Starting Strong: Time Management and Goal Setting on 1/21 and 1/23
- Grief and Recovery Series: 5 Part Series beginning 1/28
- Upcoming Workshops:
- Meet with an SCC counselor if you are feeling overwhelmed! We are in SC 108 and our services are free for current students. Stop by, call us at (480) 423-6524, email us at or check out the Counseling website.
- Create a support system on campus by joining a club or student organization.
If you are struggling and need to talk to someone when school is not in session:
- In a crisis, you can call (480) 784-1500 or (602) 222-9444 or you can text HOME to 741741
- If it is not a crisis, but you would like to speak with someone who understands, you can call the AZ Warm Line at 602-347-1100. Warm Line specialists offer peer support for callers who just need someone to talk to. The Warm Line is available 24/7/365.