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What it's all about: Creating good health by occupying safe, stimulating, and sustainable environments
Some questions to ask yourself to gauge your Environmental Wellbeing:
- Do I generally feel safe in the environments in which I live, work and go to school?
- Do I generally feel that I have control over my safety?
- Am I aware of human impact on the environment?
- Do I recycle, reduce and reuse?
- Do I engage in environmentally friendly behaviors (turn off lights/faucets, walk or bike)?
- Do I take time to appreciate my surroundings?
- Do I find time to spend outdoors in nature?
Want to increase your Environmental Wellbeing?
Here are a few suggestions and resources:
- If you don’t feel safe on campus, contact the SCC College Police.
- Schedule an appointment with one of the SCC Counseling Faculty members if you don’t feel safe at home or in a relationship. (If you are in immediate danger call 911!)
- Take advantage of our beautiful surroundings by spending time outside on campus!
- Check out the Center for Native and Urban Wildlife on campus.
- Stick to reusable water bottles (bonus for glass or stainless steel!)
- When possible, eat local.
- Turn it off. Whether it’s a faucet while you’re brushing your teeth or the TV when you leave the room, if you aren’t using something turn it off.
- Make your travel environmentally friendly. When possible walk, ride your bike, or take public transportation.
- Use reusable shopping bags.
- Surround yourself with positive people who support your goals.
- Sign up for campus emergency alerts.