Spiritual Wellbeing Definition

What it's all about: Expanding your sense of purpose and meaning in life
Some questions to ask yourself to gauge your Spiritual Wellbeing:
- Do I engage in self-reflection?
- Do I engage in spiritual practices?
- Do my decisions reflect my personal values and belief systems?
- Do I feel like I have a sense of purpose in my life?
- Do I seek out meaning in my life?
- Am I open to experiencing new things?
- Do I have a good understanding of where I fit into the world?
- Do I feel a connection to something larger than myself?
Want to increase your Spiritual Wellbeing?
Here are a few suggestions and resources:
- Start every day remembering your “Why?” – Why are you in school, pursuing your career path, on this earth?
- Explore your inner self. Take time to think about who you are.
- If you experience a life-changing event, take a few minutes to think about what series of events led to this.
- Spend time meditating or practicing mindful relaxation.
- Practice acceptance.
- Be curious. If something happens that makes you even the slightest bit curious, take a moment to explore the experience a little deeper.
- If you are religious, stay connected to your religious community or place of worship.
- Talk to one of the SCC Counseling Faculty members if you want to further cultivate and develop your sense of purpose.