Student Experience & Leadership
Participating in clubs, retreats, study abroad, and events with your instructors are great ways to:
- Gain skills you'll use in your career
- Learn about the world around you
- Discover how to advocate for change in your community
Plus, it may help boost your GPA. At SCC, the average GPA of those engaged in leadership roles in clubs and organizations is higher than the average student.
Make time to participate in the civic engagement and global awareness opportunities we offer and you'll be a step ahead!
Features of Student Experience & Leadership

Global Students
Getting involved helps you gain skills such as:
- Lead or work in teams
- Collaborate with people different than you
- Set your career and life goals

Voting Students
Plus, getting involved helps you to gain confidence in:
- Do presentations
- Help bring change to your community
- Travel the world!

Alli Ortega Empty Bowls
Become an engaged citizen, global learner and involved student.
Check out all the different ways you can get involved through the Office of Student Experience & Leadership!

At SCC, service-learning is one of the ways you can engage in your learning. We offer both in-person and virtual experiences during the school year that work with your busy schedule. You can participate with your class, a group of classmates, or on your own.
Service-learning can help you to:
- Understand what you're learning in the classroom
- Graduate. Ontime!
- Transfer and/or gain employment
- Give back to your community
Over 80% of scholarships require some level of community service – the more you do, the more competitive you are!
Features of Service-learning

Service-learning activity #1
Serving your community helps you to:
- Meet new people
- Clarify your values
- Feel good
- Interact with different people and places

Service-learning activity #2
Plus, with service-learning you can:
- Make a difference in our community
- Decide what you want to be when you "grow up"
- Build your skills and resume

Service-learning activity #
With all this goodness, why wouldn't you want to participate in service-learning?
Start now, and learn more about service-learning for students at SCC!