Scottsdale Community College is committed to your success!
Foster Youth Student Success Initiative — The purpose of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) Foster Youth Student Success Initiative is to increase college attendance and completion rates among students aging out of the foster care system. Maricopa Community Colleges seeks to increase our service to foster care youth through community engagement, student services, and support and alignment of existing programs and resources supporting college access and success.
SCC Champions — At Scottsdale Community College, we have many campus champions who are ready to help you take the next steps in your educational journey.
Listed below are the SCC Champions you can reach out to if you have questions or need assistance.
SCC Champions by Department

Tawni Rachel
(480) 423-6430
Contact for questions about how to choose a major, how to make sure all your classes will transfer, and what classes are right for your schedule.

American Indian Program
Belinda Gutierrez
(480) 423-6531
Contact for academic and personal support to reach your educational goals if you are an American Indian student.

Ramona Santiesteban
(480) 423-6524
Contact for questions about how to succeed in your classes, life skills, and stress management.

Disability Services
Christine Brown
(480) 423-6566
Contact if you would like extra support in the classroom, if you had an IEP in high school, or if you need help navigating the campus.

Ongoing Support
Dr. Lucas Messer
(480) 423-6303
At Scottsdale Community College, the Deans of Instruction want to help you succeed. If you need support once you are on campus, you can contact them.

Student Business Services
Ian Kelley
(480) 423-6148
Contact for help with refunds and payment plans.