SCC strives to connect its students and local employer partners to one another for meaningful experiences including internships, registered apprenticeships, and other work-based learning opportunities that complement educational pursuits and career goals. We support both the student and the employer throughout the process and through to success.
Student Seeking a Paid Internship Employer Organization Seeking to Host a Paid Internship
During a semester, students practice and expand their skills while receiving professional development to enhance their employability.
We partner with approved sites committed to developing SCC students for 160 or 240 hours to complete student learning. Internships can take many forms: part-time, full-time, paid, unpaid, remote, on-site, etc.
A mix of on-the-job learning and classroom learning under a certified expert. SCC students learn a valuable, specific skill, craft, trade, or profession while actually working and earning pay. Local experts assist and lead SCC students in completing industry-recognized credentials or college credits. 450-2,000 hours can be a Registered or Industry Recognized Apprenticeship.
The Apprenticeship Office administers all apprenticeships at the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES). Please get in touch with their office directly.
SCC students work side-by-side with faculty on a project observing, collecting, or recording evidence in the field or classroom lab. Research opportunities are arranged through specific courses working with faculty to creatively develop solutions to questions or challenges. Project-based opportunities vary and may be done between academic semesters.