What is WIOA?
WIOA is federal funding provided to states intended to strengthen and improve the workforce system. Funding covers training and other services that help to reduce barriers to high-quality jobs. If you would like to learn more about this federal funding program, go to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
SCC is proud to have several academic programs on the approved Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) that are eligible for WIOA participants. Funds and programming are administered through Arizona@Work.
WIOA Approved Programs
Complete your training and return to work quickly!
Scottsdale Community College has programs listed on the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) and are eligible for Arizona@Work Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding.
SCC offers these WIOA Approved Programs: |
Computer System Support and Configuration |
Financial Services |
Financial Services: Pre-licensure |
Social Media Marketing |
Steps to Enroll
- Visit www.maricopa.edu/wioa to select your program and location.
- Work with your assigned Arizona@Work Career Advisor / Career Navigator.
- Enroll today and enjoy all the support and benefits of being an SCC student.
- Check out employer organizations that are hiring, launch a new beginning and local job opportunities.