placeholder - Terri Blau

Online Orientation

Scottsdale Community College

A Maricopa Community College




(internal note:  Main Menu is below)

(Internal Note - there’s also a table of contents when clicking on the 3 lines next to the words ONLINE ORIENTATION)




Table of Contents


Welcome to SCC!

  • New Students-Welcome to SCC


Orientation Introduction

  • Land Acknowledgement
  • Introduction to SCC and Online Orientation


Academic Pathways

  • Academic Pathways
  • Fields of Interest
  • Exploring and Planning your Career or Major
  • Educational Options
  • Transfer Pathways
  • Career/Technical Pathways
  • General Education Courses
  • Your College Success Course - FYE 101 and FYE 103
  • Class Delivery Options
  • Academic Pathways - Conclusion


College Resources

  • College Resources
  • Welcome Center
  • Academic Advisement
  • Counseling and Personal Development
  • Basic Needs & Wellness
  • Disability Resources & Services
  • Veteran Services
  • Career Services
  • Technology Resources
  • Library Services, Tutoring & Online Learning Tips
  • Campus Resources - Conclusion


College Life and Engagement

  • Campus Life & Engagement
  • American Indian Program
  • Athletics
  • Student Experience & Leadership
  • Clubs and Organizations
  • Honors Program
  • College Life & Engagement - Conclusion


Paying for College

  • Tuition & Fees
  • Payment Options
  • Financial Aid
  • Scholarships
  • Using Veteran Benefits
  • Paying for College - Conclusion


Student Responsibilities & Policies

  • Introduction
  • Student Responsibilities & Policies
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Public Safety
  • Conclusion


Next Steps

  • Next Steps
  • Enrollment Steps
  • Transcripts/Proof of Prior Education
  • Connect with your Advisor
  • Determine Placement Options
  • Get to know your Online Student Center
  • How to Search for Classes
  • Register for classes 
  • Pay Tuition & Fees
  • Student ID, Textbooks & Parking
  • Artie’s Welcome Orientation
  • Thank you!
  • Items of Interest
  • Conclusion



Welcome to SCC! (Slide 1 of 1)

New Students - Welcome to SCC!

Welcome to SCC, I’m thrilled you have chosen to be here. It is my pleasure to extend a warm greeting to each of you as you embark on this exciting journey of higher education.  Whether you are attending college for the first time, returning to college or preparing to enter the job market, we are here to help you complete your educational and career goals.

As you step onto our campus, situated on the designated land of the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community, you are entering a community dedicated to academic excellence, personal growth, and taking ownership of your own future! Here, you will find opportunities to explore your passions, engage in meaningful experiences, and build lifelong connections.  

SCC is a campus that has a culture of care and it’s my belief that you will feel this with our faculty and staff. Our faculty and staff are committed to supporting your academic and personal development every step of the way.

I encourage you to challenge yourselves and make the most of your time here by engaging in the diverse landscape and culture that SCC offers. This orientation is an important first step for you as a student at SCC. It provides information about resources, programs and services that we offer to support you throughout your academic experience.

Your contributions to our college are valued, and we look forward to celebrating your successes. Once again, welcome to SCC and welcome to our artichoke family!


Orientation Introduction (Slide 1 of 2)

Land Acknowledgement

Scottsdale Community College (SCC) credits the diverse Indigenous people still connected to the land on which we gather. Our college resides on the ancient lands of the Huhugam, ancestors to the O’odham and tribal territory of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRP-MIC). SRP-MIC is a federally recognized tribe - one of 22 Arizona Indigenous tribes and one of 574 across the United States. Attached to this physical space is a painful history of forced removal and the resulting intentional genocide of its Indigenous people. We remain appreciative of our ability to teach, learn and serve in a space of such importance and reverence.

SCC acknowledges the land on which we are situated today as the traditional land and home of two distinct tribal nations: the Onk Akimel O’odham (Pima) and the Xalychidom Piipaash (Maricopa). We take this opportunity to thank the original caretakers of this land, the Huhugam. We offer our respect to all O'odham and Piipaash of the past, present and future.


(Content Image Alternative Text): Campus Walkway Picture



Orientation Introduction (Slide 2 of 2)

Introduction to SCC and Online Orientation

Hi, and welcome to Scottsdale Community College, the home of the Fighting Artichokes!

You have made a great choice to attend one of the best community colleges in the West. SCC offers so many opportunities for personal and professional growth, I know you will enjoy your time here.

During this orientation, we’ll be telling you what you need to know to get started as a student and learn what life as a student is like. This is all about your academic journey and your personal success.

One of the great things about this orientation is that it is customized for you. Anytime you see something that interests you, and you'd like more information, you can click on the "i" button.

Throughout the orientation, we'll gather that information for you and, at the end, we will organize all of it on a landing page personalized just for you. That way, you can dig in deeper and learn more about the services and academic pathways that interest you at SCC.


Academic Pathways (Slide 1 of 10)

Academic Pathways

Welcome to SCC! My name is Stephanie Polliard, and I serve as the Vice President of Academic Affairs. I work with SCC’s outstanding faculty and I am excited to see you embark on this enriching journey of learning and growth.

At SCC, we are dedicated  to providing a safe, welcoming, and intellectually stimulating environment where you can explore your passions, expand your knowledge, and develop valuable skills for your future endeavors.

Our dedicated faculty members are here to support you in your academic pursuits and to challenge you to reach your full potential. Please take every opportunity to communicate with your professors and meet with them during their student support hours before or after class. We encourage you to take full advantage of the resources, programs, and opportunities available to you both inside and outside the classroom. 

As you immerse yourself in this educational experience, remember that each day brings new opportunities to learn, discover, and make a difference. SCC’s excellent faculty, staff, and administration want you to be successful, and we are here to support you throughout your educational journey. 

I encourage you to actively participate in academic activities, join a student club, collaborate with your peers, and seize every chance to expand your horizons. On behalf of SCC’s Academic Affairs faculty and staff, I welcome you to Scottsdale Community College!


Academic Pathways (Slide 2 of 10)

Fields of Interest
Ready for college but not sure what to major in? We've got you covered because we have Fields of Interest. Fields of Interest help you narrow your path, save you time and money and help you connect to your learning community. At Maricopa Community Colleges we have nine Fields of Interest for you to choose from.

  • Education - If you love learning and want to help students discover their potential our Education Field of Interest is for you.
  • Behavioral Science and Human Services  - This Field of Interest is for people who are motivated to help their community and improve the lives of those in need professionals in this field typically work with community members to identify problems and create solutions.
  • Applied Technology - This Field of Interest gives you the hands-on skills you need to design, develop, or repair high-tech equipment and processes.
  • Culture and Society - This area focuses on acquiring a deep understanding of humanity, society, and human expression. These programs foster critical thinking and create flexible problem solvers.
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - If you want to work in a lab, design electronics, play with numbers all day or become a pharmacist or doctor then the STEM Field of Interest might be right for you.
  • Business, Entrepreneurialism, and Management - Following this career path can lead to careers of business, accounting, or even culinary studies.
  • Computer and Information Technology - In this field of interest you can explore careers in gaming, programming, technology support, web design and development, cyber security, and more.
  • Visual and Performing Arts - This Field of Interest is built for someone who is a creative thinker. Those who like to communicate ideas through art, design, dance, music, or theater find a home in Visual & Performing Arts.
  • Health Sciences - This Field of Interest is designed to give you comprehensive training for work in hospital, health care, and fitness settings if you want to help people live better, safer, and healthier lives, this Field of Interest is for you.
    Once you've chosen your field we'll help you identify your interest and skills to determine the career path that's best for you. This helps you minimize the amount of classes you take to get the credits you need all while helping you build your community by meeting like-minded people in your program. It's that easy. So, ready to get started?

Academic Pathways (Slide 3 of 10)

Exploring and Planning your Career and Major

Finding your major or career path involves learning about your interests, skills, and values, and then using this knowledge to guide your career research. The Academic Advisement Center and Counseling Services work together to help you explore major & career pathways through a process of self-discovery, including:  

  • Career and personal development classes 
  • Counseling
  • Aptitude testing
  • Academic and educational planning

We are here to help! Reach out to one of the departments below for additional assistance, or click on the 'i' button if you'd like to check out one of many online career research sites.  

Academic Advisement
Student Center Bldg., Room 130

Counseling Services
Library Building, Room 465

I would like to learn more about how to research major & career options
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI would like to learn 

(Content Image Alternative Text):  Two students talking in Two Waters Circle


Academic Pathways (Slide 4 of 10)

Educational Options

If you’re new to college, the types of degrees we offer can be confusing. Knowing what you want to do will help guide you...

  • Transferring to a University?  Consider Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degrees 
  • Interested in getting your education and joining the workforce?  Consider Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degrees and/or Certificates of Completion (CCL)

You may want to check to verify what program/field you indicated on your application to ensure it aligns with your goals.

With a wide variety of degrees and certificates to choose from, there's sure to be a program that's right for you! 


I would like to learn more about Academic Options at SCC
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): Instructor and students outside of Natural Sciences building



Academic Pathways (Slide 5 of 10)

Transfer Pathways

Completing an Associate of Arts or Associates of Science degree at SCC sets the stage for admission to many universities in Arizona and across the country.

SCC offers degrees designed specifically to transfer and participates in many transfer agreements with these colleges and universities.

  • The Maricopa Community Colleges have special transfer partnerships with more than 40 institutions, including ASU, NAU, UA & GCU
  • Every semester, transfer partners come to our campus Transfer Fair
  • ASU, NAU, UA, & GCU representatives have regular office hours on campus 
  • Many universities have special scholarships for transfer students

Though an Associate of Applied Science degree isn't specifically designed for transfer, there are some options. This is one of the topics you may want to discuss with your advisor.

(Content Image Alternative Text): Four students talking in a group

Academic Pathways (Slide 6 of 10)

Career/Technical Pathways

Completing a Career & Technical Associate of Applied Science or Certificate of Completion at SCC sets the stage for an exciting career!  

  • SCC's many career and technical pathways are taught by experienced industry professionals
  • Programs provide direct hands-on experience using state of the art equipment and technology
  • Degree and certificate options can help you update skills, change careers or even transfer to a university
  • Some certificates (Fast Track) can be completed in as little as two semesters

Click the 'i' button below to learn more about Career & Technical Education Options.

I would like to learn more about Career & Technical Education Options
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): Student using Film equipment


Academic Pathways (Slide 7 of 10)

General Education Courses

Every Associates degree at every college and university in Arizona requires between six and twelve common general education courses. It is important to know that these courses make up a pretty big part of your SCC degree.

  • Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degrees: These general education courses together make up your AGEC (Arizona General Education Curriculum) and they are grouped into different categories called designations. You will be required to complete 35-37 credits (approximately twelve [12] classes) to meet the requirement.
  • Associate in Applied Science degrees (AAS): You will be required to complete 19-25 credits (between six and eight [6-8] classes) from the AGEC designations to meet the requirement.

These are the AGEC designations, and they are important to recognize because they come in handy when choosing your classes and building your schedule.

General Subject


Needed for AA/AS

Needed for AAS

First Year Composition




Literacy and Critical Inquiry







Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications



Humanities, Arts & Design




Social Behavioral Sciences




Natural Sciences

[SG] & [SQ]



Awareness Areas

[C], [G] & [H]


(Content Image Alternative Text):  two students looking at laptops

Academic Pathways (Slide 8 of 10)

Your College Success Course - FYE 101 and FYE 103

FYE 101 (1 credit) and FYE 103 (3 credits) are two courses designed to help you explore the many aspects of college that contribute to your success. If you are beginning an associate degree (with the exception of the AAS in Nursing) and have never attended a Maricopa Community College, either one of these courses must be taken to satisfy graduation requirements. The best option depends on your previous college experiences:

Consider FYE 101 if you . . .

  • are returning to college;
  • are transferring from another college but new to a Maricopa Community College;
  • are pretty confident in your choice of major and/or career goal;
  • recently completed high school or another early college program and feel on track for your next steps at a Maricopa Community College; or
  • are paying for your classes out-of-pocket and need to consider all costs.

Consider FYE 103 if you . . .

  • are new to college and unsure/anxious about starting;
  • are undecided on your major or field of interest and need some help researching and focusing;
  • are concerned about taking math, English or other pre-requisite courses for your major and how to be successful throughout your first one or two semesters;
  • have been out of school/college for more than 3 years and/or are concerned about balancing work, school, family, and life;
  • would benefit from understanding of how you prioritize your finances in and after college;
  • are interested in learning about support resources available like transportation, child care, housing, and/or additional financial assistance;
  • are interested in understanding your own identity better and how to appreciate others.
  • (Content Image Alternative Text):  five students in a classroom facing forward

Academic Pathways (Slide 9 of 10)

Class Delivery Options

We also offer classes in several different formats to fit your schedule and learning style:  

In Person

  • Sessions meet on campus on specific days & times
  • Enjoy small class sizes and get help from instructors who know you by name

Live Online

  • Sessions meet online at specific days and times
  • Allows you to interact live with instructor and classmates in virtual environment

On Your Own Time Online

  • Instructors deliver lectures, readings, projects and more over the internet
  • You return assignments and participate in discussions online


  • A combination of in-person classes and online learning
  • Allows for reduced in-person class times and ability to complete additional work online without set times


  • Flexible attendance combining in-person or live online learning

SCC offers a wide variety of classes with varied start dates including 8-week, 14-week, and full semester length 16-week classes, providing maximum flexibility. 

I would like to learn more about Course Delivery Options
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(Content Image Alternative Text): Instructor and students in classroom

  • Academic Pathways (Slide 10 of 10)

  • Academic Pathways - Conclusion
  • Thank you for reviewing the information related to your Academic Pathway options at SCC! 

  • There's so much more information available about all of our degrees, certificates and academic departments on the SCC website. 
  • You will also have the opportunity to join a Canvas Community related to your Field of Interest (FOI). We encourage you to spend some time exploring your options and visit with us if you have any questions. 

  • Let's move on to College Resources!   

(Content Image Alternative Text): eight students outside showing thumbs up sign



  • College Resources (Slide 1 of 11)

  • College Resources
  • Welcome to SCC! I am thrilled to welcome you to our vibrant community of learners and leaders.
  • Orientation marks the beginning of an exciting chapter in your life—a journey filled with new experiences, friendships, and opportunities for personal and academic growth.
  • During your time at Scottsdale Community College, Student Affairs is here to support you every step of the way. From orientation programs to student resources, we are dedicated to ensuring your success and well-being.
  • Take this time to explore the campus, connect with fellow students, and familiarize yourself with the wide array of services and activities available to you. Whether you're interested in student clubs, campus events, or academic support, there's really something here for everyone. Our Student Experience and Leadership office provides numerous opportunities to get involved, experience diverse cultural events, and meet others who may become lifelong friends!
  • Remember that your time at SCC is not just about earning a degree or certificate; it's about discovering your passions, it's about honing your skills, and becoming a well-rounded individual ready to make a positive impact on the world.
  • I encourage you to embrace this journey with an open mind, a spirit of curiosity, and a willingness to learn from every experience.
  • Welcome, and I look forward to seeing all that you will achieve during your time here! Let's go Artichokes! 

College Resources (Slide 2 of 11)

Welcome Center

Not sure where to start? Start here! 

The SCC Welcome Center provides general information and assists new students in getting started successfully. Our staff can help you:

  • Understand the New Student registration steps 
  • Set up or reset your student ID number, MEID/password
  • Navigate through the website, including your Student Center and to-do lists/message center
  • Apply for financial aid
  • Utilize online services to adjust your class schedule
  • Check and/or forward your school email account
  • Review tuition summary and payment deadlines
  • Apply for a payment plan
  • Request and send transcripts

You can use our computer lab to register for classes after meeting with an advisor and conduct other enrollment activities. We’re here to help! 

Welcome Center
Student Center Bldg., Room 118


  • (Content Image Alternative Text): Staff member helping student in Welcome Center

College Resources (Slide 3 of 11)

Academic Advisement

Who We Are

The Academic Advisement Center consists of a team of advisors who dedicate their time to supporting your success. You will be paired with an academic advisor who aligns closely with the Field of Interest your major is in so you can work together to develop your academic and career strategies. But even though you'll be assigned to one advisor, all of the the advisors in the Center are available to you.

What We Do

Your advisor can guide you through academic choices you may have to make. These choices can include:

  • Choosing the right major for your goal(s)
  • Choosing the correct classes to meet graduation requirements
  • What learning style works best for you (online, in-person, or blended)
  • Take courses that transfer after graduation
  • Dropping or withdrawing from a class
  • Which campus resources might be useful to you

The entire team is committed to working with you respectfully, professionally, and with integrity and acceptance. They will help you learn about yourself, direct you to resources that can help you, and empower you to make decisions that work for you. 

Academic Advisement
Student Center Bldg., Room 130

I would like to learn more about Academic Advising
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text):  Advisor meeting with a student 


College Resources (Slide 4 of 11)

Counseling and Personal Development

Our Counseling faculty can provide you with a focused, holistic approach to your academic and personal well-being. We offer free well-being consultations to prospective and currently enrolled students. 

  • Career assessments and counseling
  • Goal setting and time management
  • Research based study habits
  • Stress management, anxiety reduction and mindfulness techniques
  • Basic needs support (housing, food, funds for unforeseen emergencies)
  • Community social service and mental health referrals
  • Free live online and self paced personal development workshops

Appointments are available by phone, video, or in person. 

Interested in one of our classes on academic resiliency and success? Click the 'i' button below and we'll share a link after the orientation where you can learn more details on classes and all of the areas listed above.  

Counseling Services
Library Building, Room 465


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(Content Image Alternative Text): Students in a classroom



College Resources (Slide 5 of 11)

Basic Needs & Wellness

In addition to the Counseling resources just shared, SCC has a few other resources to assist students with basic needs and wellness.  

Artie's FIT Market Resource Pantry provides free resources to SCC students to improve their health, happiness, and academic success and is a reliable food source to SCC students who are experiencing food insecurity.  Students can visit the market and select items of their choice from various food groups and personal items. For more details, contact Student Experience & Leadership at 480-423-6590 or You can also stop by the Student Center Building, Room 185. 

SCC’s Fitness & Wellness Center is a state-of-the-art facility with over 30,000 square feet, including:

  • Indoor track
  • 1 group exercise room and 1 yoga room
  • Over 50 cardiovascular machines
  • Free-weight area and weight machines
  • Human performance lab

Whether you are a first-time exerciser or an advanced athlete, we’re here to help you meet your fitness goals. We have National Certified Instructors and a variety of health related classes available. The Fitness Center can be reached at 480-423-6604.

I would like to learn more about Artie’s FIT Market, the Fitness & Wellness Center, and Community Resources
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(Content Image Alternative Text): Yoga class in Fitness & Wellness Center


College Resources (Slide 6 of 11)

Disability Resources & Services

The Disability Resources & Services Office (DRS) is located in the Student Center. It provides accommodations and services to students with disabilities, ensuring equal access to all SCC programs and activities.

If you are a student with a disability and need support, we are happy to help you register for accommodations. We offer a variety of services and assistive technology to help students achieve their educational goals.

The DRS Office, along with the campus community, will assist students to discover, develop and demonstrate their full potential and abilities. 


Disability Resources & Services
Student Center Bldg., Room 125


(Content Image Alternative Text): Advisor talking with student


College Resources (Slide 7 of 11)

Veteran Services

Our Veteran Services team is dedicated to helping veterans achieve their educational goals. We are recognized by the Arizona Department of Veterans Services as a Veteran Supportive Campus.

Resources and services include: 

  • Veteran Lounge
  • Community resources for Veterans and family members
  • Veteran resource events
  • Assistance with utilizing Veteran Benefits

Whether or not you choose to use Veteran benefits, our services are available to all Veterans and their family members. For more information about utilizing Veteran education benefits and the many resources we offer, please click the 'i' button below. 

Veteran Services 
Student Center Bldg., Room 123

Quick Tip

We offer in-person, virtual, and telephone appointments.  Click the 'i' button if interested and there will be a link at the end of the orientation to our website and appointment scheduling link. 


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(Content Image Alternative Text): Campus entrance with flags


College Resources (Slide 8 of 11)

Career Services

Career Services can help bridge your college-to-career journey by providing resources for students' next step. 

Is your next step to transfer? Enter the workforce? Complete an internship?

Career Services provides resources to:

  • Search for jobs on Maricopa Pipeline AZ
  • Craft a resume
  • Prepare for an interview 
  • Create a professional profile
  • Connect with internships and local work-based learning opportunities

Showcase your education, skills and experience to enter the workforce, transfer or complete an internship.


Career Services SS-123

Appointments by request via email: or (480) 423-6259

Quick Tip

SCC is proud to offer over 75 approved sites for student-interns! 


I would like to learn more about Career Services and Maricopa Pipeline AZ
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(Content Image Alternative Text): Nursing Students

College Resources (Slide 9 of 11)

Technology Resources

There are many ways to connect with technology at SCC. These include:

Email Account 

  • This is a free Google account that you will see in your Student Center. The address will follow this format: <>.
  • It's important to note that while it is a Google account, the domain name after the @ is 


  • SCC's online learning management system is used by faculty to teach online and hybrid courses
  • Canvas is also used as a supplemental resource in many traditional courses.

Wireless Access

  • Bring your notebook computer to campus and hook up to SCC's wireless network named SCC. Use the same network login information you use when logging into computers in classrooms and labs. 
  • This service does require an updated virus scan on your personal computer.  


  • Use mySCC on your Mac or PC for free access to MS Office Professional Suite, Adobe Creative Suite and several academic-specific software applications.
  • You also have free file storage available. Use mySCC anywhere, anytime you have an internet connection.  

Campus Computers 

  • You have free access to computers at several locations on campus. The Student TechCenter (Information Technology Bldg., Room 100) provides Windows PCs and Macs, software, printing and technical support for all currently enrolled SCC students. 
  • Additional locations include the Library, the Writing Center, and other Learning Centers across campus

If you have questions concerning your Student Center and/or Canvas, please contact the My Maricopa Help Desk for 24/7 Support: 888-994-4433.

SCC Help Desk
IT Building, Room 100
480-423-6274, x3



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(Content Image Alternative Text): Student Technology center computers

College Resources (Slide 10 of 11)

Library Services, Tutoring, & Online Learning Tips

Library Services

The SCC Library is committed to teaching and promoting information literacy, providing quality library resources and services, and supporting the curriculum and information needs of the college community. The Library has a wide selection of books, multimedia sources, periodicals and electronic databases. The collections include a variety of formats and viewpoints that reflect the diversity of our community. We even have a 24/7 Ask-A-Librarian chat service.


Tutoring & Learning Centers

Student success is considered a top priority at SCC. Everyone needs a little extra help now and then, so our tutoring programs are in place to guide students' academic difficulty and to improve skills. Tutoring is FREE, and tutors are available to point you in the right direction.


Additional Resources for Online Students

Are you new to online learning or looking to enhance your learning experience? We have a great website dedicated specifically to offering tips and tools for students taking online classes. Click the 'i' button below to learn more about all 3 services mentioned on this page.  


I would like to learn more about Library Services, Tutoring & Online Learning Resources
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(Content Image Alternative Text): Library entrance


College Resources (Slide 11 of 11)

Campus Resources - Conclusion

This section was a highlight of just a few of the many campus resources available to you.


We are here to support you throughout your academic journey and we invite you to utilize a variety of these resources and more during your time at SCC. Each department has an individual website that covers additional information and you can learn about all campus services and resources on our website at;


In the next section, let's talk about College Life & Engagement!   


(Content Image Alternative Text): Several students surrounding Artie Mascot

College Life and Engagement (Slide 1 of 7)

College Life & Engagement

Are you ready to get involved? 

We hope so -- because there is so much to learn outside of the classroom that impacts your learning in the classroom. When students engage in co-curricular learning, they get higher grades and are more likely to complete a degree.

Take a look at the next few slides in this section and when you are on campus, stop by Student Experience and Leadership in the Student Center Building to find out more about Service Learning, civic engagement, DEI programs, Council of Student Leaders and clubs. We also have theater and music programs, athletics and honors. Make your education a 360-degree experience, and enjoy all that SCC has to offer!

(Content Image Alternative Text): Students walking on campus

College Life and Engagement (Slide 2 of 7)

American Indian Program

SCC is a public community college located on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.

The American Indian Program (AIP) was created to address the constantly changing and highly diverse educational needs of our Native American students and communities. The mission of the AIP is to provide comprehensive academic and personal support that promotes opportunities for a successful and enhanced college experience for the American Indian student.

A wide variety of programs and services are designed to assist you in your educational and personal development at SCC, including student support services, community and student outreach, and Native American-focused academic and occupational programs.

American Indian Program
Indigenous Cultural Center, ICC 203

Quick Tip

If you are an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe who meets specific educational requirements, you may be eligible to apply for one of our five AIP Scholarship Opportunities.  Ask an AIP staff member for details



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(Content Image Alternative Text): Four students outside the Indigenous Cultural Center

 College Life and Engagement (Slide 3 of 7)


A great way to show your school spirit is to support our teams by attending athletic events. The SCC Athletic Department is committed to transformational growth of all students achieved through comprehensive personal development facilitated through sports.

Here are a few fun facts about our athletic program:

  • We are proud to be the Fighting Artichokes! 
  • Our school colors are green and gold
  • Men’s sports include: basketball, baseball, and soccer  
  • Women’s sports include: soccer, volleyball, basketball, and softball

Keep an eye on this year’s athletic calendar and come out to a few games! 

You can find us online at; and, remember - Go 'Chokes!


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(Content Image Alternative Text): Student athletes on bench




College Life and Engagement (Slide 4 of 7)

Student Experience & Leadership

The Office of Student Experience and Leadership provides student-centered academic and cultural campus-wide events, and engages in collaborative co-curricular programming with faculty and departmental staff, involving DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion), Civic Engagement, and Service-Learning. Student Experience and Leadership is also the central location for support services and resources.

Leadership and Experiential learning opportunities:

  • Clubs and Organizations
  • Council of Student Leaders
  • Service-Learning
  • Multicultural workshops and experiences

Support and Resources:

  • Artie’s FIT Market Resource Pantry
  • Student ID cards
  • Bus Passes
  • Additional community resources/information (SNAP, Housing, Voter Registration, etc.)

Student Experience & Leadership
Student Center, SC 185



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(Content Image Alternative Text): Five students singing on stage

College Life and Engagement (Slide 5 of 7)

Clubs and Organizations


Joining a club or participating in the Council of Student Leaders is a perfect way to meet fellow students while pursuing your interests.  Click the button below and at the end of the Orientation, you'll have an opportunity to review the current club list, along with a description, the advisor's name and contact information and how to join. 


Student Experience & Leadership
Student Center, SC 185

Quick Tip

If you don't see a club that fits your interests, stop by our office in the Student Center Bldg. We can help you get one started!



I would like to learn more about Clubs & Organizations
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(Content Image Alternative Text): Group of students and Artie the Artichoke Mascot

College Life and Engagement (Slide 6 of 7)

Honors Program

The SCC Honors Program will provide the intellectual challenge you want by fostering critical thinking and academic excellence. The program offers specially designated Honors classes, Honors Fall Welcome, Honors Graduation Celebration, Honors Fall Retreat and various other events throughout the year.

The Honors Program is open to recent high school graduates, returning college students and continuing students who meet specific academic criteria. Students in good standing in the Honors Program receive substantial scholarships or tuition waivers, and you have the opportunity to apply for several additional honors-only scholarships available through the Maricopa Community Colleges.


Honors Orientation

All new honor students must attend a mandatory departmental honors orientation. Please note, you must be admitted to the Honors Program BEFORE registering for and attending an honors orientation. You will receive this information via an email to your official student account.

For more information, please contact Michelle Blake at

Honors Program
Language & Communications Building, Room 320



I would like to learn more about the Honors Program & Presidents’ Scholarship
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text):  Honors Student

College Life and Engagement (Slide 7 of 7)

College Life & Engagement - Conclusion

As you can see there are a wide variety of ways to get involved on Campus. We encourage you to be an engaged student whether it's joining student government & clubs, attending athletic events, checking out performing arts performances and more, there are many options to consider.  

To learn more about Campus Life and Engagement, check out the website regularly and also be sure to watch your campus email account for announcements & newsletters. You can also learn more by checking out flyers and posters around campus.  

On to the next section to learn more about Paying for College.

(Content Image Alternative Text): Student sitting in colorful green chair


Paying for College (Slide 1 of 6)

Tuition & Fees

At SCC, we want to help you achieve your educational goals regardless of your financial situation. In this section, we'll review a few different options that you can consider.  

  • Current Tuition & Fee information for SCC can be found here:  TUITION & FEES 
  • Payment arrangements must be made every semester by designated deadlines found on your Account Statement
  • Tuition questions can be directed to:    

Student Business Services
Student Services Building, Room 136


Residency Status determines your tuition rate. Please note that every student is initially admitted as a non-resident until you verify your residency (even if you were born in AZ).    

  • Most students are able to verify residency by submitting their Arizona ID or Driver’s License
  • If you see the ‘OOS’ designation on your tuition account statement after registration, then you are currently classified as Out of State for tuition purposes and need to verify your residency if applicable
  • Residency Questions can be directed to:

Admissions, Records & Registration
Student Services Bldg., Room 136

(Content Image Alternative Text): Student at table with laptop

Paying for College (Slide 2 of 6)

Payment Options


Once you register for your courses, you’re almost ready for the semester. The next step is to secure your classes by making a plan to pay your tuition & fees by the due date using one or more of the following options:


Option 1 - FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS: If you have been awarded and accepted your financial aid (grants, loans, or scholarships) and your award covers the full cost of your tuition and fees, your classes are secured. If your financial aid award is less than your tuition and fees, please make payment arrangements to cover the balance.

Option 2 - PAYMENT PLAN: Sign up for a monthly payment plan to secure your class(es) on the day you register. Learn more about paying using a payment plan. This includes a $15 down payment and a $25 (non-refundable) payment plan fee per semester for a total of $40 to secure your class(es).

Option 3 - PAY IN FULL: You may pay tuition in full using debit/credit card, checking/savings account, or prepaid/re-loadable card. Log into your Student Center account. 

Student Business Services
Student Services Bldg., Room 136

Quick Tip

We are pleased to offer NELNET Business Solutions (NBS), a convenient online payment plan option. Students who choose to use NBS may select installment plans that are spread over the term depending on the length of their courses.

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(Content Image Alternative Text): Student sitting outside on laptop

Paying for College (Slide 3 of 6)

Financial Aid

For students enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate plan, financial aid is one option to help pay for college tuition and living expenses.

Financial aid includes:

  • Grants – Gift aid that does not need to be paid back;
  • Loans – Aid that is paid back, often with interest; and
  • Work Study – The ability to gain work experience on campus and earn a paycheck

To apply for financial aid, start by going to to create an FSAID and fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Once you submit your application, monitor your Online Student Center.

All SCC financial aid communications and next-steps will be sent to your official student email and/or posted in your “tasks” box within your Online Student Center.

Click the 'i' button for more information about the financial aid process and links to the online application.

Financial Aid
Student Services Bldg., Room 141


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Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): Students in classroom facing forward

Paying for College (Slide 4 of 6)


Applying for scholarships is one of the most effective ways to lower college costs. A scholarship can help pay for tuition, books, supplies, course fees and other expenses. 

A variety of scholarships options are available, including: 

  • SCC scholarships
  • Maricopa Community College Foundation scholarships
  • Private scholarships

Financial Aid
Student Services Bldg., Room 141

 Honors scholarships are also available:

  • Recent high school graduates may apply for merit-based scholarships, such as the Presidents' Honors Scholarship   
  • Continuing and transfer students are eligible to apply for Honors Achievement Award

Honors Program
Language & Communications Bldg., Room 320

We encourage you to apply for scholarships making sure to check eligibility requirements and application processes. Clicking the 'i' button below will provide scholarship-related links at the end of the orientation. As you explore the SCC Scholarships page, be sure to look at the side menus for additional opportunities available through academic departments and the Maricopa Community Colleges.

I would like to learn more about Scholarship Options
(Content Image Alternative Text): Students at SCC Commencement

Paying for College (Slide 5 of 6)

Using Veteran Benefits

SCC Veteran Services can assist with the process of applying for and utilizing your Veteran-related education benefits.


Contact our office to: 

  • Complete benefits orientation to understand how to maximize your benefits
  • Complete the necessary paperwork 
  • Learn about campus resources ranging from tutoring to career and personal counseling


Veteran Services 
Student Center Bldg., Room 123



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Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): Student in Artichoke t-shirt




Paying for College (Slide 6 of 6)

Paying for College - Conclusion

We hope we've answered any questions you might have about Paying for College. 

You can find a review of this information on our website at;

We encourage you to pay close attention to tuition deadlines shown on your account statement and reach out to the college if you have any questions.  


Let's move on to the next section!  


(Content Image Alternative Text): Student giving high five to Artie Mascot

Student Responsibilities & Policies (Slide 1 of 5)


Now that you are officially a Fighting Artichoke, we want to welcome you to our community, where respect and inclusiveness are key values.

Our goal is to provide a safe and positive learning environment, so threats, abuse and violence of any kind are not tolerated. We want you to understand your rights and responsibilities regarding conduct on campus, so that we can maintain a healthy and safe campus.

(Content Image Alternative Text): Three students outside on a bench

Student Responsibilities & Policies (Slide 2 of 5)

Student Responsibilities & Policies

All students are responsible for knowing and understanding the policies and procedures of the college. We recommend that all students take the time to review these areas and reach out if there are any questions.

Student Code of Conduct

  • Students should be aware of behaviors that would be considered misconduct or violations of the Code. For example, academic dishonesty, such as cheating and plagiarism, or actions that threaten or endanger the safety and well being of others, or behavior that discriminates against someone, are violations of the Code of Conduct.

Title IX  

  • Title IX addresses not only equity in athletics and activities but also sexual misconduct. Gender discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence are prohibited acts of sexual misconduct. If you feel you have been discriminated against or harassed in violation of this policy, you are encouraged to report the incident online or in-person to the District Regional Coordinator. More information is available by clicking the 'i' button below.

Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco

  • Please be aware that SCC is smoke-free, drug-free, tobacco-free and alcohol-free (This includes vapes  and medical marijuana).

Non-Discrimination Policy 

  • The Maricopa Community Colleges will not discriminate nor tolerate discrimination against any applicant, employee or student due to: Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Sexual orientation, Gender identity, National origin. Citizenship status (including document abuse), Age, Disability, Veteran status, Genetic information.
  • If you believe you have experienced discrimination, please report it to the District Regional Coordinator.  More information is available by clicking the 'i' button below.


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(Content Image Alternative Text): Students in a classroom



Student Responsibilities & Policies (Slide 3 of 5)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Student records at SCC are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Under FERPA, students are afforded certain rights when it comes to their education records. Clicking the 'i' button below will provide you with a link at the end of the orientation to learn more about FERPA. As part of FERPA, students wishing to disclose all or portions of their academic record must complete the Authorization to Release FERPA Protected Information. This can be completed online following the instructions below:  

How to change/update your FERPA PIN and add people to your FERPA release list:

  • Start at the main website: and navigate to your Online Student Center by clicking on the Students tab in the gray bar at the top of the page
  • Once you are logged in, Click on the Profile tile
  • Click on FERPA Pin Number in the left column


  • View or update your FERPA pin number
  • Add people to your FERPA list 

    • You will need the name, address, phone number and email of anyone you wish to add 
    • You can designate what type of information you want released to them & which campus the release applies to
  • Once the form is complete, scroll to the top to click Submit
  • To add a new row, click the plus sign at the right
  • Before you leave this page, remember to click the Save button

Quick Tip

Anyone that might accompany you to an Advising meeting or who needs access to your records needs to be added to your FERPA list.


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(Content Image Alternative Text): Campus courtyard space

Student Responsibilities & Policies (Slide 4 of 5)

Public Safety

Our Public Safety Department is a law enforcement agency that operates on-site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our police officers provide assistance, security and safety to everyone on campus.

Public Safety offers many services, such as on-campus escort services between buildings and parking lots, and assistance to disabled motor vehicle owners who need battery jumps. Campus police officers are trained to respond in emergency situations and routinely conduct facilities inspections to ensure a safe campus.

Keep your contact information updated -- especially mobile devices and e-mail addresses -- in order to receive emergency notifications through the MEMS Alert system:

You can help keep our campus community safe by paying attention to your surroundings and reporting suspicious activity to Public Safety. It takes everyone to ensure we have a safe place to learn, grow and achieve!

Public Safety
Library Bldg., Room 450


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(Content Image Alternative Text):  Public Safety Building

Student Responsibilities & Policies (Slide 5 of 5)


Thank you for reviewing this section. 

As you can see, it's everyone's responsibility to review and understand student responsibilities and college policies. 

We know that you have read and heard a great deal of information here -- please don't hesitate to reach out for any assistance in understanding these policies.  

Now it's on the the Next Steps!  At the end of the next section, you'll get the full list of links for the 'i' buttons you have selected throughout the Orientation


(Content Image Alternative Text): Three students outside giving thumbs up


Next Steps (Slide 1 of 14)

Next Steps

Congratulations! You now have the information you need to make a successful start at SCC. We’re so excited you will be part of the Artichoke family and hope that you are excited to get started in school. You are on a path to find your purpose and realize your career goals. Make your time here matter -- get involved, be engaged, and make a difference in your community!

Here are the next steps you need to complete your enrollment at SCC. We wish you a successful journey, as you make lifelong friends, learn, grow and achieve your dreams.


Next Steps for Future Students & Family (extra slide)

Future Students & Family Members/Student Support - Next Steps


Thank you for taking the time to review this New Student Orientation. 

You may not be ready to take the Next Steps yet, but you are more than welcome to go through the next section for a general overview of what you or your students will need to know when ready to get started!  

(Content Image Alternative Text): Student high-fiving with Artie the Artichoke mascot

Next Steps (Slide 2 of 14)

Enrollment Steps

There are four main steps to the Maricopa Community Colleges' enrollment process and by clicking the 'i' button below, we'll get you a website link where you can learn more about all four steps. We'll also cover a few of them in more detail on the following slides

  1. Get Admitted:  Many of you have done this already. This includes completing the Admissions Application, providing proof of identification, and submitting official transcripts for any previous coursework. Admissions & Records can also assist you with questions related to Residency classification. In this process you'll get your Student ID Number and Maricopa Enterprise ID (MEID) and set a password to use for access to online enrollment resources.

  2. Complete Tasks in Student Center:  Once admitted, you may have additional tasks to complete and you'll find these after logging into your Online Student Center. In this step, you will also need to determine Placement Options and can connect with your Advisor as well. The 'i' button will also link you to a great Resource Guide that reviews all of the tiles in your online Student Center.

  3. Register for Classes:  We have a class search tool called Find-a-Class where you can research classes that are offered and search by a variety of criteria. Once you have identified classes you would like, you can register through the Manage Classes tile in your Online Student Center.

  4. Make Payment Arrangements:  As you already heard in the Paying for College section, there are a variety of options for paying for college. Please review the 

I would like to learn more about  Enrollment Steps
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text):  Male student at computer

Next Steps (Slide 3 of 14)

Transcripts/Proof of Prior Education

High School Transcripts 

  • Official high school transcripts are needed:
    • If you are applying for financial aid
    • Some programs require official high school transcripts as part of their admission requirements
  • Failure to provide proof of prior education will not prevent you from registering for classes. However, you will not be eligible to receive federal financial aid until this proof is provided.
  • If you graduated high school, contact your former high school(s) or state education records archives office to request all official transcripts be sent directly to SCC.
  • If you completed the General Educational Development (GED) test, request that the official state or agency that issued you the GED submit confirmation of successful GED completion to SCC. *Please Note: Your GED completion record may have been archived by the state where you successfully completed your GED test. Click the 'i' button below for a link to GED State Contacts 
  • If you have another legally recognized high school equivalent (such as home school completion), the transcript preparer must send an official transcript of completion by U.S. Mail.

College Transcripts

  • If you earned any college credit(s) in the past, request that your former institution send official transcripts directly to SCC. This includes college, military, CLEP, AP, and DANTES credit. 
  • Official transcripts are required if you want to use them towards the completion of a degree and/or certificate.

Please note: 

  • Your official transcripts for any previous college coursework must be sent directly from your previous school to SCC in order to be evaluated for possible transfer credits.
  • Hand-carried transcripts will not be accepted, even if they are still sealed.


I would like to learn more about Transferring into SCC
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(Content Image Alternative Text): Male student in Science Lecture building



Next Steps (Slide 4 of 14)

Connect with your Advisor

Remember . . . your academic advisor is available to help set you on your way!

You can connect with your advisor in a couple of ways:

  • Meeting: You can schedule an in-person, virtual, or telephone meeting.
  • Email: You can always email your advisor with questions and they will work as quickly as possible to send a response.

Additionally, the Advising office is open during regular hours of operation on campus.

Prepare for your Advising Meeting

To make the most out of your first advising meeting, consider completing the following beforehand:

Complete the English, Reading, and Math placement process. These three subjects are the foundation for not only your first English or math classes but for other classes in your major. If your advisor knows your strengths in these areas they can help you more specifically with choosing your first-semester courses.

Review your major requirements. Take some time to review your major requirements and the suggested courses sequence on the SCC website. While there are many details to your major that your advisor can clarify, it is helpful if you have a general sense of what courses you'll be taking to graduate.

Consider all the things in your life that can help you or work against you as you complete your degree. Working, taking care of family, and other personal commitments will have an influence on your academic success. Your advisor can help you develop strategies to keep these all in balance.

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(Content Image Alternative Text): Advisor talking with female student 

Next Steps (Slide 5 of 14)

Determine Placement Options

Placement is needed for Math, Reading, and English Courses.  Here is some information to help you determine your placement options

Your High School GPA may be used for class placement if:

  • You have completed at least 2 years* of high school in the United States and you have an unweighted, cumulative high school GPA of 2.6 or higher  
    • *Note*  that high school transcripts that are more than 10 years old may not be used for placement into Math courses
  • ACT/SAT/GED placement options are also available.  Click the 'i' button below and we'll share the Testing Center website link at the end of the orientation.

You can bring unofficial transcripts to the SCC Testing Center to have your High School GPA posted for course placement.  If you are a transfer student who has completed college level coursework in English, Reading or Math, you will need to bring unofficial transcripts of all coursework completed when you connect with an academic advisor.  

If you do not meet any of the above options, you can complete EdReady Placement Testing:

  • EdReady is a free online service provided to current and prospective Maricopa students for course placement and learning support in English, math, and reading.
  • Placement based on individual subject area scores.
  • EdReady scores do not expire.

Contact us with any questions about your various Placement related options and review the website link provided after the Orientation.

Testing Center
Student Center Bldg., Room 150

Quick Tip

For other purposes, such as financial aid, you will need to submit an official copy of your transcripts to the Admissions & Records office.


I would like to learn more about How to Determine my Placement Options
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(Content Image Alternative Text): Two students looking at laptops

Next Steps (Slide 6 of 14)

Get to know your Online Student Center

One of the key resources you will use as a student is your Online Student Center! Here you can add/drop classes, check and pay tuition, track your progress and more.  Once you log in to your Student Center, you'll see a variety of tiles including the following: 

  • Academic Progress
  • Academic Records 
  • Financial Account 
  • Financial Aid 
  • Manage Classes
  • Profile 
  • Tasks 
  • Quick Links 
  • My Academic Plan 

Click the 'i' button below if you would like a link to the Student Center Resource Guide that includes details about the content within each of the tiles listed above.


I would like to learn more about the Online Student Center Resource Guide
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): Screenshot of Online Student Center Screen

Next Steps (Slide 7 of 14)

How to Search for Classes

Let’s go over how to use the Class Search tool, also known as Find a Class

  1. Start at the main SCC website -

  2. Scroll down to click on the Class Search button

  3. First take a look at the default settings, make sure you search for courses at the correct campus and in the correct semester
    • To adjust search parameters, click on the blue circle with three horizontal lines
    • Here you can refine your search by semester, campus, delivery method, General Education designation, meeting days, and more
  4. If you know the name of your course, for example ENG 101, type it in the search field and hit enter

The results displayed will reflect your options for that course at SCC. Click on Notes to see course details, including book information. Once you find the class that fits your schedule, make note of the 5-digit class number to use when you are ready to register.

For more information or assistance please contact: 

Welcome Center
Student Center Bldg., Room 118


 Next Steps (Slide 8 of 14) Register for classes

When you are ready to register for classes, log in to your online Student Center

  1. Click on the ‘Manage Classes’ tile
  2. On the left you will see some options.  Click on ‘Class Search and Enroll’
  3. Scroll down to find your campus and semester
  4. In the box near the top of the page, enter either the 5-digit course number or the course name with a space between the numbers and the letters.

-If you don’t add a space the search will not return any results. Hit enter or the arrow button on the right side to view results.

  1. Select the course you want from this list
  2. On the next page, if you click on the blue text you will see a pop up with course details
  3. Click on the arrow on the right side to select the class
  4. Select enroll from the drop down menu, then click the submit button

-If the class was successfully added you should see a confirmation message and a green checkmark.

-If you see a red X, the class was not successfully added and you should make a note of the error message then contact the college for assistance.

For more information or assistance please contact: 

Admissions, Records & Registration

Student Services Bldg., Room 136


Next Steps (Slide 9 of 14)

Pay Tuition & Fees

After you register for classes, you will want to create a plan to pay for your tuition and fees before the tuition deadline. As you learned in the Paying for College section, there are a variety of options, including financial aid, a payment plan or paying with cash/check/credit card.

Don't forget to double-check your Residency classification if needed.  You can revisit the first slide in the Paying for College section for information.  

To pay your tuition online, or to set up a payment plan log in to your Online Student Center

  • Click on the Financial Account tile
    • You may want to click on Account Statement to confirm the charges are correct
  • Click on Make a Payment

  • Click Select under View Payment Options and you will be redirected to Nelnet 
    • Note:  If this is the first time you are making a payment this way you will first create an account with Nelnet
  • Once there, you will see two options; Make a Payment or Set up a Payment Plan

Student Business Services
Student Services Bldg., Room 136

Quick Tip

If you are awarded Financial Aid and/or Scholarships, your process may look a bit different than what's showing here.  Be sure to check your student email regularly for updates and process information related to Financial Aid & Scholarships.  

(Content Image Alternative Text): Two students at laptop

Next Steps (Slide 10 of 14)

Student ID, Textbooks & Parking

Just a few additional items to share...

Student ID Card:

  • Once you have enrolled in classes for the semester, you can get your Student ID Card (in-person or through an online process). 
  • Click the 'i' button below and we'll share a link after the orientation where you can find more details about location and requirements.


  • You can find textbook information for your classes using the Class Search tool covered earlier - check the 'Notes' information for each class. You can also click on each class when checking your schedule in your online Student Center 
  • In addition, some of your classes may be using Open Educational Resources (OER). The 'i' button will include a link to learn more about OERs, as well as a link to the campus Bookstore.


  • Parking on campus is FREE!  No permit required!
  • Please pay close attention to specific spots that may be designated for staff, carpool or others


I would like to learn more about Student ID Cards and Textbooks
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): Three students standing outside 

Next Steps (Slide 11 of 14)

Artie's Welcome Orientation

Whether you are a recent high school graduate, taking college courses for the first time, or transferring to SCC from another Maricopa Community College, college, or university to earn a degree, we want to orient you to how things work at SCC and the many resources we have to support your success.

Orientation at SCC is a process, not a one-time event, and there are three components: reviewing Artie's Online Orientation which you are doing now, attending Artie's Welcome, and taking your College Success Course (described earlier). Here's a few more details about Artie's Welcome.

Artie's Welcome Sessions (August & January)

In addition to knowing the classes you need to get your degree, it is important to get to know the professors in your major.

  • During Artie’s Welcome you get the opportunity to meet the many individuals that will teach and support you through to graduation.
  • These program-specific and interest-based sessions will occur just before the start of each semester
  • The next session will be January, 8 2025 - check our Orientation website for updates & details!  

(Content Image Alternative Text): Artie the Artichoke with Staff Smiling

Next Steps (Slide 12 of 14)

Thank You!

Thank you for joining us during this online orientation. Next, you'll see several key links that are helpful for all students. You'll also find the links for all of the 'i' buttons that you clicked throughout the session as well.  

If we can help you as you get started, please do not hesitate to contact us! 

If you have any questions after reviewing your personalized links that follow, please email us at  

(Content Image Alternative Text): Artie the Artichoke with a female student



Next Steps (Slide 13 of 14)

Items of Interest

Additional Resource Links

Here are some additional links for you!

  • Admissions & Records
  • Academic Advisement Center
  • Placement Information
  • Financial Aid Information & FAFSA
  • Online Classes - Tools & Resources
  • Online Student Center - Resource Guide
  • Paying for College

Personalized Items of Interest (internal note - these are linked to web pages - some duplication but some are linked on more than one page so full list is below)


Below you will find links associated with the "i" icons you have clicked while going through this orientation.

Academic Pathways

Fields of Interest 
Career Counseling
Available Degrees & Programs of Study
Career & Technical Education Information
Course Delivery Options


College Resources

Academic Advisement Center
Counseling Services
Career Counseling
Fitness & Wellness Center
Artie’s FIT Market Resource Pantry
MCCCD Basic Needs & Community Resource Information
Food & Housing Resources
Veteran Services
Career Services
Maricopa Pipeline AZ
Technology Resources
Library Resources & Services
Academic Support Services & Tutoring


College Life and Engagement

American Indian Program Services
Athletics Information & Processes
Student Experience & Leadership
Join a Club or Organization
Honors Program Information & Presidents’ Scholarship


Paying for College

Paying for College
Payment Plan process
Financial Aid
General Scholarships Page
SCC & Maricopa Scholarships
Honors Program Information & President’s Scholarship
Veteran Services

Student Responsibilities & Policies

College Policies
Title IX
SCC Public Safety


Next Steps

Enrollment Steps
Online Student Center - Resource Guide
Transferring to SCC from another school
GED State Contact List (this one actually links to PDF Document)
Academic Advisement Center
Testing Center
Online Student Center - Resource Guide
Student ID Cards
Open Educational Resources (OERs)



Next Steps (Slide 14 of 14)



Please contact us with any questions about navigating the enrollment processes at SCC! 

If you aren't sure who to contact with your questions, you are welcome to start with our College Operator at 480-423-6000!


Thank You!  


Resource Links

Additional Resources

  • Admissions & Records
  • Academic Advisement Center
  • Placement Information
  • Financial Aid Information & FAFSA
  • Online Classes - Tools & Resources
  • Online Student Center - Resource Guide
  • Paying for College

Personalized Items of Interest

  • Academic Pathways : Career Counseling
  • Academic Pathways : Available Degrees & Programs of Study
  • Academic Pathways : Transferring from SCC to a University
  • Academic Pathways : Career & Technical Education Information
  • Academic Pathways : Course Delivery Options
  • College Resources : Academic Advisement Center
  • College Resources : Counseling Services
  • College Resources : Career Counseling
  • College Resources : Fitness & Wellness Center
  • College Resources : Artie's FIT Market Resource Pantry
  • College Resources : MCCCD Basic Needs & Community Resource Information
  • College Resources : Food & Housing Resources
  • College Resources : Veteran Services
  • College Resources : Career Services
  • College Resources : Maricopa Pipeline AZ
  • College Resources : Technology Resources
  • College Resources : Library Resources & Services
  • College Resources : Academic Support Services & Tutoring
  • College Resources : Online Classes - Tools and Resources
  • College Life and Engagement : American Indian Program Services
  • College Life and Engagement : Athletics Information & Processes
  • College Life and Engagement : Student Experience & Leadership
  • College Life and Engagement : Join a Club or Organization
  • College Life and Engagement : Honors Program Information & Presidents' Scholarship
  • Paying for College : Paying for College
  • Paying for College : FAFSA
  • Paying for College : Payment Plan process
  • Paying for College : Financial Aid
  • Paying for College : FAFSA
  • Paying for College : General Scholarships Page
  • Paying for College : SCC & Maricopa Scholarships
  • Paying for College : Honors Program Information & Presidents' Scholarship
  • Paying for College : Veteran Services
  • Student Responsibilities & Policies : College Policies
  • Student Responsibilities & Policies : Title IX
  • Student Responsibilities & Policies : FERPA
  • Student Responsibilities & Policies : SCC Public Safety
  • Next Steps : Enrollment Steps
  • Next Steps : Online Student Center - Resource Guide
  • Next Steps : Transferring to SCC from another school
  • Next Steps : GED State Contact List
  • Next Steps : Academic Advisement Center
  • Next Steps : Testing Center
  • Next Steps : Online Student Center - Resource Guide
  • Next Steps : Student ID Cards
  • Next Steps : Open Educational Resources (OERs)
  • Next Steps : Bookstore





[PS] Guest Access - Prospective Students

[PS] Guest Access - Prospective Students (Slide 1 of 6)

Welcome Future SCC Students!

Welcome to SCC! I am thrilled that you are considering joining our amazing community.  SCC has a strong commitment to student success, offering a wide range of exceptional degree and certificate programs. Our dedicated staff and faculty are committed to your success and are here to support you every step of the way. 

At SCC, we are dedicated to fostering intellectual curiosity, creativity, and academic excellence. As you explore our programs and campus life, I encourage you to envision the possibilities that await you here.

Our faculty, staff, and students are eager to share their experiences and support you in your journey of discovery. Whether you're passionate about research, arts, sciences, or any other field, you'll find a welcoming and inspiring environment to pursue your dreams.

Take this opportunity to learn about our diverse academic offerings, innovative initiatives, and the unique opportunities that make SCC a special place.

I invite you to imagine yourself as part of our community, where you can make a difference and shape your future. We look forward to having you be part of our artichoke family!


[PS] Guest Access - Prospective Students (Slide 2 of 6)

Discover the Benefits of Scottsdale Community College

Your success is our number one priority and we are dedicated to providing services to help you achieve your academic and personal goals. Here's just a few of the many benefits of SCC! 

Affordable Education:
At $97 per credit hour for Maricopa County Residents, annual tuition is approximately $2,328 for 12 credits for the Fall and Spring semesters. With reasonable tuition fees and numerous financial aid opportunities, you can pursue your academic goals without breaking the bank. 

Flexible Learning: 
SCC understands the importance of flexibility. We offer various class formats, including in-person, online, and hybrid options, to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences.

Support Services:
We’re here to support your journey every step of the way. Our active campus life, beautiful location, and strong community connections provide valuable opportunities to grow and develop your academics. 

Dedicated Faculty & Diverse Programs: 
Our exceptional faculty are experienced professionals that bring real-world knowledge into the classroom. We offer a wide variety of programs, and whether you're interested in transferring to a four-year university, earning a degree, or gaining skills for a specific career, our faculty will support you as you work to achieve your goals. 

As you continue through the orientation you will learn more details about the great resources available to you at SCC!

(Content Image Alternative Text):  Graduating Students


[PS] Guest Access - Prospective Students (Slide 3 of 6)

SCC Resources & Services

SCC provides extensive academic and student support resources to help ensure your success! Here's a brief overview of some of the key services available to you. More details about these services will be provided throughout the orientation: 

  • Academic Advising: Personalized guidance to help you plan your educational journey and achieve your academic goals
  • Career Services & Internships: Explore career options, build your resume, prepare for interviews and connect with internship opportunities
  • Professional Counseling:  Connect with counseling to learn about resources, strategies, classes and workshops to help you be successful in your college experience
  • Disability Resources & Services: Accommodations may be available for you if you need additional support
  • Welcome Center: Visit the welcome center for enrollment assistance, questions, or if you are lost and need guidance! Our wonderful staff is here to help
  • Financial Aid & Scholarships: Assistance with applying for grants, scholarships, loans and college work-study to support your education
  • Food & Resource Pantry: Artie's Fit Market supports students with food insecurities 
  • Library and Tutoring Services: State of the art, updated spaces with online resources, study spaces and research assistance are available !
  • Veteran Services: Support and resources specifically for veteran students and their dependents

At SCC, we are committed to providing the resources and support you need to thrive academically and personally. We're here to help you every step of the way!

(Content Image Alternative Text): Teacher helping a student at desk in classroom



[PS] Guest Access - Prospective Students (Slide 4 of 6)

Early College Opportunities

We have several early college programs (below) that allow high school students to earn college credit before they graduate high school. Talk to your high school counselor or one of our Early Outreach staff to learn how to get started.

  • Dual Enrollment Program provides the opportunity for high school students to enroll in courses for college credit taught by approved instructors at the participating high school. Students will get college credit while remaining at their high school.
  • Hoop of Learning Program is a high school bridge program for Native American students. Students will earn college credits while also participating in mandatory workshops and study labs.
  • Achieving College Education (ACE) Program is a two-year commitment for high school students selected through an application process. Students will earn college credits while also participating in mandatory workshops and study labs.
  • Concurrent Enrollment Program is designed for high school students that want to take courses for credit on a college campus or online, while still attending their high school full time. 

Early Outreach
Student Center Building, Room 108

I would like to learn more about Early College Options
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): Student holding a notebook



[PS] Guest Access - Prospective Students (Slide 5 of 6)

Navigating the Enrollment Process

Ready to get started?  

Now that you've learned about the Benefits and Resources that are here for you at SCC, we hope you are ready to get started! When you are ready to apply there are four main steps to the Maricopa Community Colleges' enrollment process and by clicking the 'i' button below, we'll get you a website link where you can learn more about all four steps.  

  1. Get Admitted:  This includes completing the Admissions Application, providing proof of identification, and submitting official transcripts for any previous coursework.  Admissions & Records can also assist you with questions related to Residency classification. In this process you'll get your Student ID Number and Maricopa Enterprise ID (MEID) and set a password to use for access to online enrollment resources.

  2. Complete Tasks in Student Center:  Once admitted, you may have additional tasks to complete and you'll find these after logging into your Online Student Center.  In this step, you will also need to determine Placement Options and can connect with your Advisor as well. When you log in, you'll see several different tiles or sections on the page. The 'i' button below will also link you to a great Resource Guide that reviews all of the tiles in your online Student Center.

  3. Register for Classes:  We have a class search tool called 'Find a Class' where you can research classes that are offered and search by a variety of criteria. Once you have identified classes you would like, you can register through the Manage Classes tile in your Online Student Center

  4. Make Payment Arrangements:  There are a variety of options for paying for college including Financial Aid, Scholarships, Payment Plans and paying in full. We'll cover more details in the Paying for College Section.    

You don't need to remember all of these steps right now! If you choose to continue through the rest of the orientation, you'll see this information again in the Next Steps section!  

I would like to learn more about Enrollment Steps
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): Student outside using laptop



[PS] Guest Access - Prospective Students (Slide 6 of 6)

Continue with Student Orientation

Thank you for taking some time to check out what we have to offer at SCC.  

We'd love to show off the campus to you!  Our beautiful 160 acre campus is located on the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC). To schedule a campus tour please contact or select the icon below for a website link where you can schedule at the end of the Orientation.  

As you are reviewing and considering your college options, we are here to help. Please reach out if we can answer any questions about SCC or help you get started. 


This is the end of the Prospective Student Section. If you would like to continue through the full orientation that is geared toward newly admitted students, you can click the arrow above and then once you are on the main screen, please click on Introduction.


I would like to learn more about Campus Tours
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): 3 students at counter with laptops



[FP] Guest Access - Family/Support

[FP] Guest Access - Family/Support (Slide 1 of 5)

Welcome Family & Friends!

Hello!  My name is Eric Leshinskie and I’m proud to serve as the president of SCC. I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each of you for your support of our students on their educational journey. Your commitment and encouragement play a pivotal role in their success, and we are incredibly fortunate to have such dedicated supporters.

As our students begin their time here at SCC, I want to assure you that they will be supported and respected as we create nurturing environments that foster a community that celebrates diversity, encourages personal growth, and ensures that each student can thrive academically and personally.  

During their time here, your student will have countless opportunities to engage with a variety of programs and experiences. From clubs and organizations to internships and service learning, we encourage students to get involved, explore their interests, and develop new skills.  

The return on investment during their time here is immense. We are dedicated to helping students reach their goals and be well prepared to enter the workforce, pursue further education, or embark on their chosen paths with confidence and competence. We can’t do this alone. Your belief in our students' potential, your guidance, and your encouragement inspire them to reach for their dreams and achieve their goals. Whether you are a parent, guardian, mentor, teacher, or friend, your positive influence is invaluable.

Your unwavering support, your guidance and your encouragement are driving forces behind our students’ achievements. Thank you for being an essential part of our students' educational journey. Together, we can empower them to make a meaningful impact on the world.


[FP] Guest Access - Family/Support (Slide 2 of 5)

Discover the Benefits of Scottsdale Community College for Your Student

Students are our number one priority and we are dedicated to providing services to maximize your return on investment. Check out the great benefits your student has access to below! 

Affordable Education:
At $97 per credit hour for Maricopa County Residents, annual tuition is approximately $2,328 for 12 credits for the Fall and Spring semesters. With reasonable tuition fees and numerous financial aid opportunities, students can pursue their academic goals without breaking the bank.

Flexible Learning: 
SCC understands the importance of flexibility. We offer various class formats, including in-person, online, and hybrid options, to accommodate schedules and learning preferences.

Support Services:
We’re here to support students every step of the way. SCC provides a range of support services designed to help students succeed that include academic advising, tutoring, career counseling, and mental health resources.

Transfer Opportunities:
Advisors will help students navigate the transfer process and ensure a smooth transition to a university.

Community Networking & Internships:
SCC maintains strong ties with local businesses and organizations, offering valuable networking opportunities and internships.

Choosing Scottsdale Community College means investing in a supportive, innovative, and forward-thinking community that is dedicated to your student’s success. We’re committed to helping your student achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals. 

(Content Image Alternative Text): Student giving a thumbs up sign



[FP] Guest Access - Family/Support (Slide 3 of 5)

SCC Resources & Services

SCC provides extensive academic and student support resources to help ensure your success! Here's a brief overview of some of the key services available to you. More details about these services will be provided throughout the orientation: 

  • Academic Advising: Personalized guidance to help them plan their educational journey and achieve their academic goals
  • Career Services & Internships: Explore career options, build their resume, prepare for interviews and connect with internship opportunities
  • Professional Counseling: Connect with counseling to learn about resources, strategies, classes and workshops to help them be successful in their college experience
  • Disability Resources & Services: Accommodations may be available for students if they need additional support.
  • Welcome Center: Students can visit the welcome center for enrollment assistance, questions, or if they need guidance! Our wonderful staff is here to help.
  • Financial Aid & Scholarships: Assistance with applying for grants, scholarships, loans and college work-study to support their education
  • Food & Resource Pantry: Artie's Fit Market supports students with food insecurities.
  • Library and Tutoring Services: State of the art, updated spaces with online resources, study spaces and research assistance are available!
  • Veteran Services: Support and resources specifically for veteran students and their dependents

At SCC, we are committed to providing the resources and support your student's needs to thrive academically and personally!

(Content Image Alternative Text): Teacher helping a student in classroom



[FP] Guest Access - Family/Support (Slide 4 of 5)

Early College Opportunities

We have several early college programs (below) that allow high school students to earn college credit before they graduate high school. Talk to your high school counselor or one of our Early Outreach staff to learn how to get started.

  • Dual Enrollment Program provides the opportunity for high school students to enroll in courses for college credit taught by approved instructors at the participating high school. Students will get college credit while remaining at their high school.
  • Hoop of Learning Program is a high school bridge program for Native American students. Students will earn college credits while also participating in mandatory workshops and study labs.
  • Achieving College Education (ACE) Program is a two-year commitment for high school students selected through an application process. Students will earn college credits while also participating in mandatory workshops and study labs.
  • Concurrent Enrollment Program is designed for high school students that want to take courses for credit on a college campus or online, while still attending their high school full time. 

Early Outreach
Student Center Building, Room 108

I would like to learn more about Early College Options
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI

(Content Image Alternative Text): Student holding a notebook



[FP] Guest Access - Family/Support (Slide 5 of 5)

Continue with Student Orientation

Thank you for taking some time to check out what we have to offer at Scottsdale Community College. We appreciate your support of your student who may be considering or planning to attend Scottsdale Community College. 

We'd love to show off the campus to you!  Our beautiful 160 acre campus is located on the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC). To schedule a campus tour please contact or select the icon below for a website link where you can schedule at the end of the Orientation.  

If your student is reviewing and considering college options, we are here to help. Please reach out if we can answer any questions about SCC or help them get started. 

This is the end of the Family  Section. If you would like to continue through the full orientation that is geared toward newly admitted students, you can click the arrow above and then once you are on the main screen, please click on Introduction.


I would like to learn more about Campus Tours
Link added to your items of interest at the end of the OrientationI


(Content Image Alternative Text): Student standing next to Artie Mascot

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