Testing Guidelines

Testing Guidelines

Students using testing accommodations need to schedule exams/quizzes on DRS Connect at least 3 business days prior to the class exam/quiz date.

The DRS needs time to coordinate with the instructor to get a copy of the exam and the administration instructions.

Students who schedule 3 business days in advance are guaranteed a spot at the DRS or Testing Center for their accommodated exam. Failure to do so may result in students having to take an exam without accommodations or reschedule it.

The DRS is not obligated to cater to student preferences (i.e. room choice, lighting, proctor preference, etc.) and is committed to providing approved reasonable accommodations and a testing environment similar to that of the classroom.

The student is advised to check their student email the night before their exam, for an email from DRS Connect, subject line: [DRS] Testing Request Approved, to view and confirm the testing location. In the event your scheduled request has changed, please be sure to resubmit for further approval.

Students wishing to take exams at alternate times due to reasons unrelated to their disability, need to obtain written permission from their instructor prior to scheduling their exam.

Schedule your Exam Through DRS Connect:

Sign in to DRS Connect: Select Alternative Testing under “My Accommodations” on the left-hand side of the homepage.

In Alternative Testing Contract(s), select the class you need and click Schedule an Exam (if your class is not listed, contact your instructor and ask them to complete the testing contract. The link to complete the testing contract is located on the INF email they received from DRS).

In the “Exam Detail” box, complete the required fields:

  • Request Type
  • Campus Location
  • Date
  • Time
  • Services Requested
  • Any additional note you may have for DRS (optional)

Click Add Exam Request.