Leaving Scottsdale Community College

Leaving Scottsdale Community College

Whether you are finishing your program and returning to your home country, transferring to another school in the United States, or applying for OPT, contact International Student Services regarding your plans so we can provide you with the appropriate advice regarding your F-1 visa status.

Departing the U.S. 

Grace Period: When you complete your academic program at SCC, you have a 60-day grace period to prepare for your departure from the U.S.

The 60 days:

  • count from the last day of instruction in the semester you completed your academic program; do not apply if you don’t complete your SCC program as planned;
  • count as calendar days, not working days.

During the 60 days you:

  • can travel within the U.S. but not leave the U.S. and return;
  • cannot work;
    • can transfer to another F-1 accredited school or apply for a change of your immigration status.

Transferring to another U.S. College or University 

To have your SEVIS record transferred to an F-1 accredited U.S. school, submit to International Student Services the following:

  • Acceptance letter from the new school
  • Transfer verification form from the new school

Optional Practical Training (OPT) 

F-1 students can apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT), a 12-month work authorization, 90 days before and up to 60 days after their program completion (the last day of the semester in which you complete all your program requirements at SCC). While you pursue post-completion OPT, SCC will maintain your SEVIS record and report the required information in the SEVIS System. For more information, refer to our International Student Employment page.