Computer Science and Engineering Open Lab

Computer Science and Engineering Open Lab

The Engineering and Computer Science Department offers free in-person tutoring on a drop-in basis and online tutoring via Discord to students currently enrolled in ECE, EEE, and CSC courses at Scottsdale Community College. No appointments are required for in-person tutoring. However, if it is offered, an appointment is required to meet online with a tutor outside the time specified.

The lab is located in CM-469 in the Computer Technology & Mathematics building. View the campus map.

Computer Science and Engineering Tutors

The tutoring schedule is available below. This schedule provides the hours and the list of courses that each tutor can assist with. Ask your instructor for the link to the Open Lab Canvas page, where you will find links to the tutors’ Discord pages and more valuable resources. As the tutor's role is one of general support, ultimate responsibility for all work as to correctness, completeness, and responsiveness to the instructor's requirements rests with the student.

Professors and Tutor Courses  Availability
Professor Jackson CSC100, CSC110, CSC120 Online Spring 2025 Semester
Available after 2/9.
Email: for an appointment.
Professor Tavassoli ECE102, ECE103, ECE105, and CSC/EEE120 Thursday: 12-2:30 pm (CM469)
Email: for an appointment.
Professor Santo CSC110, CSC205, CSC240 Thursday: 4-5:30 pm (CM454)
Mon/Tue: 6-9 pm (Discord)
Kosta CSC100, CSC110, CSC205, CSC/EEE230, CSC240 (C and C++) Friday: 10 am -2 pm (via Discord)
Schedule appointment times via Discord.
Cody ECE102, ECE103, and ECE105 Mon/Wed: 1-4:30 pm (CM469)
Mon/Wed: 2:30 - 4:30 pm (via Discord)
Schedule appointment times via Discord.
Wade CSC/EEE120 Thursday: 9:45 - 11:40 am (CM469)
Wednesday: 8-10 pm (via Discord)
Schedule appointment times via Discord.