Court Hours
Open: Daily 6 am – 8 pm | Closed: Holidays and when the college is closed
Register here for upcoming Pickleball classes and round robins.
Court Rules
- Use courts at your own risk
- Courts are available to the public on a first-come, first-served basis
- SCC reserves the right to schedule courts for classes
- If others are waiting, follow four up/four down rotation
- No unauthorized paid athletic services, lessons, or rentals
- Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult
- Shoes must have non-marking soles
- Persons waiting to play must wait outside of the courts
- Do not climb on nets or fencing
- No food, pets, glass, chairs, or coolers on the courts
- No bicycles, roller blades, or skateboards on the courts
- No amplified sound permitted
- Practice court etiquette and sportsmanship
- All players agree to follow SCC court rules
Violators of posted rules may be asked to leave. Failure to do so after a reasonable request to leave by any person having lawful control over the property may result in criminal prosecution, administrative action, or both [ARS (Arizona Revised Statutes) 13-1502, -1503 (trespassing), 13-1602, -1604 (Criminal Damage), 13-2904 (Disorderly Conduct)].