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What it's all about: Recognizing the role physical activity, healthy nutrition, and adequate sleep play in the state of your body, mind, and spirit
Some questions to ask yourself to gauge your Physical Wellbeing:
- Do I engage in cardiovascular exercise 3-5 times per week for at least 30 minutes?
- Do I engage in flexibility exercise/ stretching?
- Do I engage in strength training/ resistance exercise 2-3 times per week?
- Do I eat a nutritious diet?
- Do I get 7-8 hours of sleep on average/night?
- Do I practice moderation in all areas of my life?
- Am I safe when it comes to my sexual interactions?
- How often do I binge drink? (Males: 5+ drinks in about 2 hours, Females: 4+ drinks in about 2 hours)
- Do I use tobacco products?
- Do I use illicit drugs (e.g. marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy)?
- Do I use prescription medication that is not prescribed to me (e.g. Adderall, Xanax, Valium)?
Want to increase your Physical Wellbeing?
Here are a few suggestions and resources:
- Take advantage of the SCC Fitness Center!
- Take a class in the Fitness and Wellness department
- Are you struggling to afford healthy food? Visit Artie's FIT Market (Food Pantry) on campus or the Maricopa Community Food Resources site.
- Join the SCC Fitness and Nutrition Club
- If you are coping with your stress by making choices that you feel are unhealthy, talk to one of the SCC Counseling Faculty members about healthier coping strategies.
- Engage in physical activity every day for 30 minutes. You may break up your daily 30 minutes into 10-minute bouts.
- Use stairs instead of the elevator or escalator and walk whenever possible.
- Learn to recognize warning signs when your body begins feeling ill.
- Eat a variety of healthy foods and control your meal portions.
- Learn more about sleep hygiene – the habits you can engage in to get a better night’s sleep!