Federal Work Study

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Scottsdale Community College participates in the Federal Work Study Program. It’s an easy and convenient way for you to earn money as you go to school. The Federal Work Study Program provides part-time employment opportunities for students with financial need. While encouraging community service work and work related to a student’s course of study. The Federal Work Study Program provides students with the opportunity to earn money to help pay for educational expenses. As a participant in the program, students may be employed by the institution itself or with an outside organization, for an approximate twenty (20) hours per week. Students may acquire valuable work experience and marketable job skills, gain knowledge and insight into their chosen career field, network with potential future employers, and establish valuable relationships.

At SCC, eligibility is determined each year as a result of completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the financial need of a student. Student awards and the number of Work Study positions are limited, positions are not guaranteed from one year to the next.

Attention Returning Students. You will not automatically be awarded Work Study. It is up to you to apply for financial aid early. Keep in mind that Work Study is financial aid in the form of a job. Therefore supervisors do not have the ability to hire you back if you are not awarded Work Study.

Federal Work Study funds are limited and awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis, until all funds are exhausted. Students awarded will be notified through the students MCCD email account and awards can be viewed in the Financial Account tile in the Student Center.

At this time, SCC is not accepting Work Study requests. SCC will open up the Work Study awarding process for fall 2025 in July.

Work Study FAQs

  • Federal Work-Study (FWS) provides you with a part-time job that allows you to earn money to help pay for your educational expenses.
  • The program encourages students to work in community service areas.
  • FWS can help you gain valuable experience in your chosen field before you leave school.
  • Taxable earnings from Federal Work-Study will be excluded from your income earned from work in the following financial aid year. The exclusion of these earnings will help to increase your financial aid eligibility.

  • Wages will be at least the current federal minimum wage, but may be higher, depending on the type of work you do and the skills required (the current average pay is $13.85 - $17.03 an hour).
  • Your total Federal Work-Study award will depend on when you apply, your financial need, and the funding level at Scottsdale Community College.
  • The amount you earn cannot exceed your total Federal Work Study award. You are not required to earn all of your award amount, the amount offered is an average of what students earned in the previous year. Since the money is paid for hours worked, monies that are not earned by the end of the academic year go back into the Work Study Fund.

  • When assigning work hours, your employer will consider your award amount, class schedule, and your academic progress.
  • To allow sufficient time for your studies you will be allowed to work no more than 20 hours per week during regular terms of enrollment.

  • Once your request for Work-Study funds is reviewed and awarded you will receive an award notification.
  • Once you are award work study, you will need to review the open work study positions, complete the job application and contact the supervisor to set up an interview.
  • If you are hired your supervisor will refer you to meet with Human Resources to complete a new hire packet or update existing information if they have worked for Maricopa before.
  • Students interested in applying for an America Reads position will need to complete the job application available on the job posting website as well as an additional application: "America Reads Tutor Application". Once both applications are completed contact the appropriate supervisor on the job posting for an interview.
  • You cannot begin working until you are notified of your start date by your work study supervisor.

Scottsdale Community College is a participant in the America Reads Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to promote children's literacy by providing "reading buddies" to those who are at risk for reading failure.

America Reads Challenge

A Scottsdale Community College student who has been awarded Federal Work Study Funds may be a possible candidate to participate in America Reads Program. As program participants, students will be able to tutor children in reading at local elementary schools or agencies. Students will need to commit approximately 10 - 20 hours per week, which would include weekly training sessions.

Program requirements are as follows:

  • Enrolled in at least 6 credits at SCC
  • Qualify for the Federal Work-Study Program
  • Have the desire and skills to work with children

Available Work Study Jobs

View available work study positions.