Student Financial Aid Terms and Conditions for Recipients
To receive financial aid, you must be pursuing an eligible degree or certificate program and enroll in courses that apply to that program (this is commonly referred to as Course Applicability). Federal financial aid may only be received from one institution for the same period of enrollment. SCC awards the base amount in student loans; however, students may be eligible for additional unsubsidized loan funds. To request these funds review and submit the additional unsubsidized loan request. You must fulfill all of the student responsibilities in accordance with federal and state law as well as institutional policy to receive financial aid. Note that classes that do not span the entire length of the semester (approximately 16 weeks) could affect your financial aid eligibility (i.e., amounts, disbursement dates, eligibility, etc.)
All aid disbursements are handled through Student Business Services. Funds, where appropriate, will be applied directly to your tuition/fees, book advance, and other related college charges. If your financial aid is not sufficient to cover your tuition and fees, you must pay the difference. Payment plans may be available to students who do not have sufficient aid to cover all charges by the due date. Please check with Student Business Services, (480) 423-6148 for more information. All remaining tuition and fees for the semester must be paid by the appropriate tuition and fee payment deadline. You must be registered in ALL credits by the end of the add/drop period each semester.
If you still have financial aid remaining after tuition and fee charges are paid, the balance will be provided to you. Excess aid will be disbursed through the MSRP process. You must be enrolled in the minimum required hours based on your award amount in order to receive the financial aid offered. Students should not expect their funds any earlier than the third week after their earliest class start, dependent upon the MSRP delivery method selected. Enrolling in classes with different start dates may impact the timing of your financial aid disbursement. Please plan accordingly.
First time SCC loan borrowers are required by the government to complete an entrance counseling session and Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) before loan funds can be disbursed. Loans have multiple disbursements, academic year loans for Fall and Spring semester are disbursed in two equal payments at the beginning of each semester. Fall semester only, or Spring semester only loans are disbursed in two equal payments; one at the beginning of the semester, and a second at the mid-point. Also note that the date indicated on the MPN is not the actual disbursement date to the student. You must be enrolled in at least 6 credits at SCC to receive loan. Enrolling in classes with different start dates may impact the timing of your financial aid disbursement. Please plan accordingly. First year, first time SCC borrowers are subject to a Federal 30 Day Delayed Disbursement during their first semester of enrollment.
Important Message about Continued Eligibility for Financial Aid. Remember, if you receive financial aid and then do not attend classes, Federal Law may require you to repay the money you receive.
In order to be funded Pell Grant a student must be registered in all courses by the Pell recalculation date. Registered courses also include those recognized through the completion of a consortium agreement by the recalculation date between SCC and the participating school(s). If a student registers after this date, additional Pell Grant cannot be awarded. Pell awards for financial aid applications that are received after the recalculation date will be calculated based on the student's enrollment at the time the application is complete.
Pell Recalculation Dates:
- Fall 2024 - August 26, 2024
- Spring 2025 - January 21, 2025
- Summer 2025 - May 29, 2025
A Consortium Agreement may allow eligible students to receive financial aid while attending SCC (parent school) and another school (host school) at the same time. If you would like to apply to find out if your financial aid eligibility will be impacted based on your combined enrollment within the Maricopa Community College District*, you should contact the SCC Financial Aid Office, Students must initiate the process by completing the online form. Enroll at the HOME and HOST school, then submit the consortium agreement by the submission deadline date.
* Note – students taking classes at an Accredited College outside of the Maricopa Community College District should contact the Financial Aid office for more information regarding the consortium process.
Federal regulations regarding repeated coursework may impact your financial aid eligibility and awards. Federal regulations specify that students may receive federal financial aid funding for one repetition of a previously passed course. A passed course is defined as one in which a grade of A, B, C, D, or P is received. If you enroll in a course in which you have previously received passing grades twice, the course will not be counted towards your enrollment level for financial aid purposes. You may repeat a failed course until it is passed. Your enrollment for financial aid purposes will be calculated accordingly.
All recipients are expected to understand their responsibility in regard to the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid recipients at this institution. Failure to make SAP may result in withholding or canceling all or part of your financial aid award(s).
Additional assistance received from ANY source since filing your financial aid application must be reported to the Financial Aid Office. Additional assistance could include, but is not limited to, outside donor scholarships, tribal monies paid directly to you or on your behalf, and awards. Any changes in course load, name, state residency for tuition and fee purposes, should also be reported to the Financial Aid Office.
Revisions may be made to this award as a result of changes in your eligibility, academic status, or your failure to comply with federal and state laws or regulations, and college policies. The college reserves the right to verify attendance, and review, revise, or terminate your financial aid award at any time.
The Financial Aid office will take necessary action on a student's award if a withdrawal grade is assigned by the instructor. An unofficial withdrawal occurs when a student ceases to attend a course and fails to officially withdrawal from the course. The enrollment level of a student is reviewed to determine if the withdrawn and/or dropped course(s) impact the overall enrollment level. If the enrollment level is reduced and a student is no longer eligible for the awarded amount, aid will adjusted accordingly. Students are notified of aid adjustments via the Student Center.
In accordance with federal regulations, a student may be required to repay federal financial aid if completely withdrawn from all classes during a period of enrollment. Any refunds and deposits are applied to institutional debts and/or federal programs as regulated by law. For additional information review the: Federal Title IV Refund Policy and Treatment of Title IV Aid When a Student Withdraws Policy.
A book advance is a pre-disbursement program that allows students to use a portion of anticipated financial aid to purchase textbooks and supplies for classes. Eligible students are able to purchase books and supplies with their advances at the on-campus bookstore, at neighborhood bookstores, or online. See Book Advances for more information.