Financial Aid Events & Workshops

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When it comes to getting the financial aid you need, let the Scottsdale Community College Financial Aid Office help you. All of our events and workshops are open to students and parents.

  • Receive an overview of the financial aid process
  • Find out how to apply
  • Learn how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Please contact our Scottsdale Community College Financial Aid Office at, with questions or if you need accommodations to attend one of our sessions.

SCC Financial Aid Workshops

Need more information about financial aid? Contact us, and we can send you the information you need!

  • Applying for and using financial aid
  • Loan options and eligibility
  • Learn how to navigate your student center to view your award information
  • Learn about book advances, disbursement dates, and more

I need more information

MCCD holds virtual workshops to assist students with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), Verification, and more. Sign up for an upcoming session.