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The chart below is specifically referring to how the funds are awarded at Scottsdale Community College for 2019-2020.
Name of Program | What is it? | Who is eligible? | Does it have to be repaid? |
Federal Pell Grant | Federal grant assistance for undergraduate students. Annual awards range from $740-$7395. | Student eligibility is determined according to a congressionally mandated formula which computes the expected family contribution. Students may be eligible at less than half time. Funds are not limited. | No. |
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) | Federal grant assistance for undergraduates with exceptional need; priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients. Annual award $1000* maximum. | Eligible students must have exceptional financial need, enroll at least half time, and qualify for a Federal Pell Grant. Funds are limited and awarded on a first come, first serve basis. | No. |
State Leveraging Education Assistance Partnership (LEAP) Grant | State grant assistance for undergraduates with exceptional need; priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients Annual award $1000* maximum. | Eligible students must be a resident of Arizona and enroll at least half time. Funds are limited and awarded on a first come, first serve basis. | No. |
Maricopa grant - Student Success | Institutional grant assistance for undergraduates with exceptional need; priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients. Annual award $1000* maximum. | Eligible students must have exceptional financial need, enroll at least half time, and qualify for a Federal Pell Grant. Funds are limited and awarded on a first come, first serve basis. | No. |
Federal Work Study | The Federal Work Study program provides funds that are earned through part-time employment to assist students in financing the cost of education. | Eligible students must have financial need and enroll at least half time at SCC. Once they have been notified that they are work study eligible, interested students can search for open job positions. Funds are limited and awarded on a first come, first serve basis. | No. |
Federal Direct Loan | Federal subsidized and/or unsubsidized loan with a fixed interest rate. Annual limits range from $3,500 to $4,500. Independent students are eligible for additional loan funds; however they must contact the SCC Financial Aid Office if interested. | Subsidized: Eligible students must have financial need and enroll at SCC at least half time (6 credit hours or more). Unsubsidized: Eligible students must enroll at SCC at least half time. |
Yes. Repayment of principal and interest will begin 6 months after student graduates, leaves school, or drops below half time status. Yes. Interest is charged from the time student receives their loan until paid in full. Repayment begins 6 months after student graduates, leaves school, or drops below half time status. |
Federal Direct PLUS Loan | Federal loan available to parents of dependent undergraduate students with a fixed interest rate. Maximum amount is cost of attendance minus any other financial aid the student is receiving. | Eligible student must be enrolled at SCC at least half time and their parents must be approved through the Direct Loan credit check process. | Yes. Repayment begins 60 days after the full amount has been disbursed. |
Alternative Loans | A loan which is available without regard to financial need. Maximum amount is cost of attendance minus any other financial aid the student is receiving. | Eligibility requirements vary with each lender. You can review these different requirements at the lenders website. | Yes. Repayment options vary with each lender. |
* These amounts are specific to Scottsdale Community College students.